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Buhari's Planned Probe Of Only Jonathan Administration And The "Far Past"

Since his March 28 electoral victory, President Buhari has been credited with some statements that are so unworthy of his office as the President of Nigeria. The latest of them is the President's determination to limit his probe to Jonathan's administration only. Add to this, Presidential Spokesman Femi Adesina insulted our sensibilities by these words...

“If you recall, that was already settled before he got inaugurated as president. He has said he will not waste time digging into the far past,”
“The far past will includes Obasanjo and others. But the president has said he will not waste time to go that far.”

In addition to the above statement, the Spokesman also said...
"He can’t afford to go too deep into the past or else it will be destructive for his administration."

1. The "Far Past" Exclusion:
“If you recall, that was already settled before he got inaugurated as president. He has said he will not waste time digging into the far past,”
There was no time during the electioneering or transition period that Buhari made any statement like excluding "far past" administrations. What is "far past"? This obviously is a new creation aimed at protecting certain persons.

Let us do a recall that before the election, APC Chairman John Oyegun was quoted to have said..
“It is clear that from the Buhari’s perspective and that of the APC, the future of the people of this country is too important for us to spend valuable time trying to dig into the past...”

Oyegun further made clarification that the "past" is pre-2015 (not pre-2010) when he said

“And we are going to go into a situation, post May 2015, where the law will normally take its course. There will be a line drawn on the sand; on one part is the past, the other side is the future."

We also recall that Buhari himself on March 11, 2015 in a campaign rally in Kaduna state made it clear that he will only probe post-May 29, 2015 corruption cases.

There was no talk of "far past" at any time.

2. Obasanjo, Atiku, IBB etc And The "Far Past"
“The far past will includes Obasanjo and others. But the president has said he will not waste time to go that far.”
Isn't this laughable? If Buhari had changed his mind from his earlier position, isn't it sane that he probes former administrations especially from the IBB regime? If he insist on probing democratic administrations, then why not start from May 29, 1999? Nigerians will like to know what happened to the billions recovered from Abacha. We will like to bring those indicted in the PTDF scandal to Justice (Obasanjo, Atiku and co). We will like to know what happened to the N2.3trillion the Obasanjo allegedly spent on power. We will like to bring to justice the Haliburton "thieves" among others.

Is Buhari now trying to protect Obasanjo, who happens to be his military benefactor in 1977 and his navigator to the March 28 electoral triumph? Is he trying excluding the Abacha regime because he was part of it? Is he protecting Yar'adua administration because he was his kinsman and certain officers of that government contributed to bring him to power?
Why is Buhari making nonsense of leadership?

3. Going Too Deep Is "Destructive"?
"He can’t afford to go too deep into the past or else it will be destructive for his administration."
What is destructive in bringing officers of past administrations that has looted our common wealth to justice? Is he trying to say that he can't probe his benefactors (Abacha and Obasanjo), his kinsman (Yar'adua) and his Northern military comrade (IBB), but will only probe Jonathan's administration because he neither benefitted from Jonathan nor is he a kinsman to Jonathan?

Finally, I want to reiterate that I am not against the probe of Jonathan's administration(PDP and Jonathan also share this sentiment). However, it amounts to injustice, unpatriotism and "unstatesmanlike" for the President to come up with a new "jargon" such as "far past" in his bid to shield his benefactors from probe. I to appeal to patriotic Nigerians to call on President Buhari to tow the path of sanity, fairness and statesmanship in leadership.

May God Bless Us All.

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