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10 Kinds Of Christians That Put A Smile On God's Face

Really, it's not like parents love one child more than the other but sometimes they enjoy the presence of the former to the latter. 1 Chron. 28:4: God LIKED David to make him king. He loves the world but He LIKES some folks. May we do what will qualify us to be among His liked ones.

From Scriptures, the Bible mentioned several persons who did make God smile, so to speak. Yes, God does smile and laugh too.

It's paramount you know that as human, you might not necessarily meet up all of these but at least, you should be on the move to becoming some.

Before some attribute these to just "works", I should say that, the faith that leaves God and Grace to do all the job is an Irresponsible faith- Paul said, I laboured more than they all. Christianity is not a call onto laziness but to work (As Adam did in the garden)


10 Kinds Of Christians That Puts A Smile On God's Face.

1. The Believing Ones

Believing is Faith in action. Mike Murdock noted, "nothing excites God more than when we believe Him and nothing hurts him more than when we doubt Him". Hebrews 11:6, Without faith, we can't please God. Believing God is the Number One to putting a smile on Jesus.

2. The Merciful/ Forgiving Ones

You remember that unmerciful servant in the Bible? His master had mercy on him and forgave his debt but he couldn't reciprocate that to his neighbour. God had mercy on us and went out of His way by sending His Son- Jesus. He smiles when we get out of our cocoons to helping others.

3. The Grateful Ones

Being grateful is being thankful. When we are truly grateful, we give thanks to God. When only that blind man discovered he was healed and returned to give thanks to Jesus, he was made whole!

4. The Loving Ones

God is love. Whenever we show love to people, we resemble God in character. The truth is, I don't measure a Christian by how much he/she prays but how they love- their families, neighbours, friends etc.

5. The Cheerful Ones

Yipee! If you're truly saved, you'll be cheerful. These folks never go about with a "long face", they trust God to meet their needs and solve their problems. This is why they are always cheerful.

6. The Humble Ones

That is why God raises them (James 4:6-7). He loves them. They are not proud nor arrogant. They don't go about blowing their trumpet either. Remember Moses.

7. The Obedient Ones

They do not argue God's Word. Like Abraham, they are prompt to actually obeying God. Commands like Tithing don't bother them. They are well aware of the hazard of delayed obedience.

8. The "Soul Winning" Ones

Going about preaching the gospel is supposed to be the duty of every believer. Some now believe "displaying their body parts" can be used to "entice" and at the long run win the lost. Odikwa Risky! It's well o! Errm...that's not Soul winning sha o...That's "husband winning". Soul winning is God's business- when we do His business, He is happy.

9. The "Sincere" Ones

By "Sincere" I mean Open and Honest. Being sincere was why the Bible said, He that covers is sin shall not prosper. God is not Over Expecting from us. He knows us. Stop forming "Jackie Chan" for God. Tell Him your weaknesses because He already knows them however. This reason is why some do not confess their wrong doings. They feel asking for mercy is a sign of Babyhood. While that is kinda true, you need to know you're still a baby at least before God. When you lose your temper or lust after a girl or a guy, ask for mercy. Don't sweep it under the carpet. One can go to hell for such nonchalance and negligence. God loves those who see Him as Father/ Friend enough to be sincere to Him. He loves that.

10. The Generous Ones

This being no. 10 doesn't reduce its relevance. As a matter of truth, God loves the Cheerful giver. Every giver has a place in God's heart (Christian or not). Giving to the "needy" world makes you a man God needs. Remember Acts 10. Ananias was an unbeliever but was a giver. He gave alms frequently. God loved him so dearly and had to go draw him in to His body. That's why I know, Bill Gates and other billionaire philanthropists will soon get saved in no time. Well, you can start with your tithe and offerings.

From there, you will grow to bigger things like Seed sowing, giving to the poor, parents, prisons etc. Givers never lack because God (the owner of the blessings) makes sure they don't. Your "spirituality" isn't a substitute here! If you like, tie your ear, wear long skirt, speak in German tongues, fast for 100 days...if you're not a giver (of cash and other substances), you won't attract this kind of blessing from God.

So so so...we're not perfect, we are all getting there. May we arrive and keep improving IJN. Happy Sunday

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