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On The Alleged CNN Ireport About Buhari's Probe Of Harlibuton Scandal

This is a reaction to the alleged CNN ireport that made frontpage this morning:
Its no news or surprise the extent to which the opposition and critics of the Buhari government are willing to go in spreading falsehood and preying on gullible minds for the sole aim of putting pressure on Buhari's government to back down on its anti-corruption stance.

On the alleged report, firstly, visiting the ireport CNN website, you will see a disclaimer clearly written on this questionable report by CNN ( which reads:

CNN PRODUCER NOTE CNN iReport is the network’s user-generated news community. The stories here come from our audience and are not edited, fact-checked or screened before they post. If you think this iReport violates our community guidelines, please tell us by clicking on the "This is Inappropriate" button below. You can learn more about how iReport works on our About page.

This clearly shows that this news was neither reported nor investigated by CNN. It was clearly the work of a person who has no way of getting any credible news media to investigate or clarify the questionable report, and the best the individual could do was run to the CNN ireport community to propagate falsehood. For the avoidance of doubt, anyone can report anything on CNN ireport website, just like anyone can report anything on nairaland website.

It will also interest you to know that this questionable report possibly has its roots from a vanguard news report on August 29, 2012 titled: Buhari Dares IBB, at a time when Buhari was a presidential aspirant under the platform of CPC. At that point, Buhari had dared IBB to expose any corruption facts he (IBB) had on him (Buhari) while also accusing IBB and other leaders of being the ones who destroyed this country.

There are also insinuations that Kashim Afegbua who was implicated in this questionable news report no longer works for IBB

The alleged news report is misleading and should be dismissed as the work of propagandists and has nothing at all to do with CNN as it was not edited, fact-checked or screened before it was published on the ireport community website.

God Bless Nigeria

- SocialMediaMan

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